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Background on Device Doctor

In Brief

Device Doctor is a labor of love by 4 software developers from Vancouver, Canada. With many years of Windows programming experience behind us we set out to build a totally free, simple application "even our mothers could use". The main goal was fixing the dreaded Unidentified Device problems that we've seen over the years installing new hardware and peripherals on various PCs, but as a side benefit we were able to also make sure other devices were up-to-date with their drivers.

How It All Came About

In 2008, while Googling around the internet looking for the right driver update file for a Windows Vista machine, it was apparent that there were tons of paid driver download and install products but none that were truly freeware without any "hooks" to get you to buy them: crippled demoware, limited-functionality Lite packages, adware-riddled apps with outdated driver databases, etc.

So, we decided to make one, intending just to use it ourselves for quick fixing friends/family's computers. That is until this year, when we decided to put it up on the internet for everyone to use!

It's free, so we don't provide support services for it, but our user forum should be a good place to get help from other users if you need it.

We'll keep updating the program and continue adding new drivers to our database very regularly so give it a try - we plan to be around for a long time.
